Friday, May 13, 2011

Just a Friendly Hello?

Americans are well known for their innate friendliness. However, one of the primary pieces of advice I received prior to my trip overseas was be on guard and watch out for my wallet. While this was a very valid recommendation, I often found that people just wanting to talk. Sometime they used our conversation to practice English, or as a chance to learn about my culture and life and to tell me about their own. Once I learned how to strike a balance between being reasonably cautious and open at the same time I learned so much. My subsequent interactions really enriched my overall travel experience.

As Ted Nelson of Traveling Ted TV puts it, "As a foreigner in another country you are as exotic to them as they are to you. Many people will approach you just to say hello and talk to you. Many just want to practice English. Although scams abound, not everyone who approaches is out to separate you from your money. Be wary, but not so much where you have a closed attitude."

Read Ted's entire post here.

Picture by Jaya Bird: Locals strolling around the Piazza del Duomo after a snow storm

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