Sunday, January 16, 2011

Balloon Ride over the Valley of the Kings

We were awoken at 4:50am on our last full day in Egypt. It had already been a full and wonderful --- if not exhausting --- trip thus far. However, we were definitely excited as we boarded a motorboat that took us the west bank of Luxor. There where we climbed aboard a hot air balloon to view the Valley of the Kings and the Nile River from high in the sky.

The Hot Air Balloon Pilot was dressed exactly like an airline pilot and deftly steered our balloon through the immense Valley. As we floated along, he pointed out the sun rising over the Nile, the sugarcane fields, ancient ruins and the temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut was known to dress like a man during her reign and powerfully ruled Egypt for over 20 years. She defined "girl power" long before Cleopatra, Katherine the Great, Queen Elizabeth I, -- and of course the Spice Girls and Oprah.

Picture One by Angie: Riding in a hot air balloon: Rowan (Australia), Me, Okan (Turkey/England).
Picture Two by Eva: Enjoying some morning tea during our motorboat ride to the west bank of Luxor: Okan (Tukey/England), Rowan (Australia), Me, Angie (Australia/England), Domenic (Australia).
Picture Three by Jaya Bird: Heading towards our Hot Air Balloon.
Picture Four by Jaya Bird: A view of the sun rising over the Nile River -- taken from our hot air balloon.
Picture Five by Jaya Bird: Hot Air Balloons over sugar cane fields.

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