Monday, November 22, 2010

The Italian Version of Choking on a Pretzel

After just a few weeks here, I've learned that Italians' reaction to the name Silvio Berlusconi is almost always the same --- a sad shake of their heads. They are generally quick to distance themselves from the nation's Prime Minister. It seems that the 76 year-old leader's string of gaffes rival those of former President George W. Bush and current Vice President Joe Biden.

Most recently, the Berlusconi government decided to severely slashed the nation's arts funding down to its lowest level in 20 years. The dramatic cuts set off a series of protests in the form of strikes, opera and play cancellations and museum closings. The arts and enterainment community are up in arms.

However, I guess Mr. Berlusconi decided that these cuts did not apply to him. The Prime Minister reportedly used public funds to make improvements to the art that adorns his personal office --- the classic statue of Venus and Mars. Venus was given a new hand and Mars was given back his, um, manhood.....

Picture by Jaya Bird: Poster at a Berlusconi campaign office down the street from my apartment.

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